Workers who have recently lost their jobs are getting some help from many area community colleges.
By the grace of college administrators, individuals will be eligible for free tuition and fees as most heads know now more than ever the critical importance in offering such assistance to thousands. Tuition will be limited to certain programs in certain career fields where workers are in high demand. One must provide a letter from a former employer verifying they have been laid off and can start new with a career in the fields of technology, computer science, electronics and health care. Books and lab fees are not included, however.
Listed below are names of some community colleges. If yours is not posted, call them today as many are being offered for a limited time.
Anoka-Ramsey waiving half of its tuition
Bergen County
Buck County C.C.
C.C. of Allegheny County
Kent State University – Trumbull Campus
Lorain County C.C.
Middlesex C.C.
Montgomery County C.C.
New Jersey City
Normandale C.C.
Oakton C.C.
Passaic C.C.
The Reading Area C.C.
Westmoreland County C.C.
“Life After Lay Off” – mentoring program offered in the Bay Area in computers –
“No Worker Left Behind” – program offered in Michigan - for more details click on the link,1607,7-242--162181--,00.html
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