Causes of Body Odor - Sweating is good for the body. Because sweating is a mechanism to balance the body temperature with the existing temperature. The problem, if excessive sweating and cause odor. Apart from those around us uncomfortable, chances are the body that smells bad is not healthy.
excessive sweating and foul odor may occur due to stress and nervous. "Excessive sweating coupled with humid conditions in the folds of the body that preferred by the bacteria will make a bad smell. And this affects a person's self confidence."
To reduce the smell of sweat, reducing meat consumption, as well as foods that have a sharp smell like garlic, shallots and onions. "To reduce the smell of sweat that, as many are eating fruits and vegetables,"
Well, who needs to watch out for, too much sweating can be indicated to suffer from a disease. For that, the doctor will usually perform penulusuran whether there are indications of systemic disorders. Your doctor will perform physical testing laboratory in accordance with the abnormalities that occur, whether in the thyroid gland or in the heart.
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