Lipstick! This cosmetic product that every woman is on her bag adds color to your face and give the look is complete. A swipe of well-chosen lipstick can be all that required to change your appearance.
Lips and eyes are the most important areas in your makeup and that why lipstick is the most popular makeup products in the world. Currently, there are many lipstick colors, textures and brands.
Most lipsticks contain moisturizers, vitamins, UV protection, oil, wax and lip moisturizer that uses color and texture on. Keep your lips as smooth as possible before you apply lipstick - apply lip balm, Vaseline, honey or cream lip every day to keep your lips hydrated, soft and to avoid chapping.
Benefits of applying lipstick:
Adding the final touch to your makeup
Maintain and moisturize your lips
adding color to the lips
Change your display
Enhance your lip shape
Enhance the beauty of your lips
the fastest and easiest way to emphasize your view.
When using foundation, keeping the upper lip, the basis for the lip liner and lipstick.
Pictures line the lips with a pencil (lip liner), which sharply with the lips in a closed state. Start drawing the upper lip is pointing to the end of the lip with a way to make short lines repeatedly. Then repeat for the lower lip. Follow your lip line.
To make lips look thicker, following the outer boundary of the lips, while to make thin lips, follow the inside of the lip line.
Apply lipstick using a lip brush (lipstick brush)
When finished using lipstick, lips sealed, place a piece of tissue between the lips to remove excess lipstick.
Useful Beauty Tips:
The right lipstick can look fantastic on the cheek? Yes, you can use your lipstick as blush, but do not apply directly from the bullets. Simply lightly with your finger, and blend until you reach your natural color.
If your lips thin, attractive commit your lips with lip pencil close to your lip color and fill in with lipstick or lip gloss. Use light shades to make them look more full. Only use lip gloss will also give the illusion of fuller lips.
If your lips are too full, blot lips with a concealer and redraw only in line with the darker tone of lipstick or lip gloss.
Using two different lipsticks, one for day and one for night. During the day wear light shade and to apply one night with a saturated red bronze,, brown and coral. when wearing a strong lipstick colors, keep the cheeks and neutral eyes, pale pink color, beiges, browns and plums. This will complement the lips without drawing attention from them to look absolutely fabulous.
If your lipstick feather into the lines around your lips, switching to less cream lipstick and powder your lips with loose powder before applying it. When re-using lipstick or lip gloss, make sure you get all the old stuff from the first. Use a nude lip gloss lip liner to make your stay much longer this give gloss something to adhere.
Make sure you use a good quality lipstick. If your skin produces to avoid using heavy lipsticks as they draw attention to the fine lines around the mouth. Creamy lipstick continues to become easier and better to moisturize your lips. Treat chapped lips by hydrating them with warm water from a damp cloth and coating with a lip balm or Vaseline. Use a lip liner that match your lipstick. To make the finish last longer, blot with tissue-colored lips, dab on a little face powder and then apply a second coat of color. Do not lick your lips dry as it will serve them better.Exfoliate your lips regularly with a mild Exfoliator.
To keep your lips gently apply a lip balm every day. If you want to buy a new lipstick is not wearing any makeup. Do not try to test lipstick on your hand - it's nothing like the color of your lips. Apply on face powder foundation on your lips to create a base for your lipstick.
To avoid lipstick on your teeth to create a "O" with your mouth and put your finger in.
Use fresh lip pencil-shaped. Do not use lip liner that is too dark than your lipstick color.
Always use a brush to apply lipstick. Applying lipstick will help you hide the vertical lip lines. Apply a thin layer will give a better view. Always use a lipstick at the end and reapply frequently. Apply honey on the lips to nourish and moisturize them.

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