The Dating Game For Seniors

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Is sixty the new thirty? If you ask the “baby boomer” generation one will quickly learn the most likely answer will prove to be, “You betcha!” Times have changed and senior life these days simply is not what it use to be thirty years ago. As time marches on, those over the age of sixty refuse to be left behind. Now more than ever, seniors are active … keeping themselves in great shape, following the advances in medicine and watching what they are eating. In comparison to generations past, senior citizens are more vital and vibrant about life and living it to the fullest.

Does it make a difference if they are ready for retirement and looking for a partner? Not if you were to ask them. Being over sixty is just as much fun and proving to be an even more rewarding experience.

Relationship experts will be the first to say that no matter what our age, dating and relationships are just as important to a strong, healthy attitude and a rewarding, fulfilling personal life. Allowing nerves and fear to get in the way of developing a healthy intimate relationship despite our age, is only a deterrent. Dating most certainly should not be something to be afraid of.

As we reach that comfortable stage in our lives, many of those issues that face younger singles aren’t as significant and rarely exist at all. Career, raising a family and financial security are not as prominent, leading boomers to be more casual, flexible and less stressful. Those 55 and older have been there and done that. Life experiences have made them realize that the simpler things in life and having someone to share them with are more important than money, status and outside beauty.

Entering the over fifty dating scene for the first time isn’t any different than if you were thirty or forty. There is going to be a certain level of nervousness and trepidation. But like anything else in life … if you don’t do, you don’t get. So if you are looking to re-establish a potential loving and fulfilling relationship know that life is what you make of it, no matter what your age.
Information and Tips for Women

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