Old Bathtub Decals Won't Come Off
Those appliqués we use to prevent slipping and falling in the bathtub are great. However, once they are stuck, how do you remove them entirely, especially the adhesive? Distilled white vinegar will help without harming your tub. Just warm up ½ cup of it in your microwave for about 20 seconds, soak a cloth in it, and place it over the decal for 10 minutes to let the acid penetrate and loosen the glue. The decal should peel right off.
Gum On The Sole Of Your Shoe
Wrap your shoe in plastic and place it in the freezer. Once the gum freezes solid, scrape it off with a dull butter knife. Any bits stuck in the treads should come out with a zap of cooking spray.
Labels, Stickers or Price Tag on Glass
Soak in warm water and dish soap for about 15 minutes and the papery layer will come off with very little effort. For the tacky glue left behind, spritz on WD-40 to dissolve the left over instantly and then wash with mild soap and water.
Tree Sap, Tar or Splattered Bugs On Your Car
For any gross glob your vehicle picks up between washes, try odorless mineral spirits which is available in hardware stores. It will not harm the paint or finish. Just apply with a soft cloth and wipe the spots. Once they're removed, wash with a mild detergent and water and buff the treated area with wax to protect and restore the shine.
Food & Crust On Nonstick Cookware
Over time, cooking and oils can leave gummy deposits on nonstick coatings even after washing. When you use pans, more food clings to the residue and they become a total mess. You don't have to throw them out and buy new. Scouring can damage the coating and Dawn Power Dissolver (about $2.50) sprayed on and let to sit up to 30 minutes will do the job. If you have a tiny stubborn film remaining, a soft nylon scrubber will complete the job
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